I have had a book called Seeking Him by Nancy Leigh Demoss and Tim Grissom on my shelf for a LONG time. Looked through it a few times but never got into it. I kept waiting, thinking maybe I would find other people who were also interested and go through it as a group study.

Never really did mention it to people though. Well this last while a few people mentioned it to me, and I remembered oh ya, I too have that book. Though it is only a couple people, I think it's time to go through it.
I have a hard time getting out of the house , so getting together very often may not even work.
What I thought of doing now is making it an online study as well, so that if we don't get together with our study group much, we could share our thoughts this way too.
We could email each other and I think I will even share what I learn here on my blog as well. Who knows maybe there will be others out there who would like to join us in reading this book as we study God's word.
I welcome your thoughts.

When do you plan on starting it? If you take it a a slow pace I might be able to join you. I'm involved in a ladies Bible study right now (this is an unusual thing for me, as I don't get out much...but let me tell you it has been a blessing and I'm learning so much!)
That study should be over by the first or second week of Dec.
Get back to you on that.... Maybe I will start this on a seperate page(blog) and I could add those who are intersted as writers on it as well. What do you think?
Nancy, I couldn't believe my eyes when I read your blog. I have that book and have had it for quite a while and have looked through it too and have put it back on the shelf. Just yesterday or was it even today I was thinking of doing that book. Wow!!! I think doing it together and sharing on our blog and/or emailing our thoughts would be great. Count me in.
I know Mrs.Wiebe has the book. I think Aggie Heide does too but I don't know if she would want to because she doesn't do a lot of writing. Maybe she would like to pass the book on to some one who would want to do it.....
Thanks for coming by my place! It is nice to meet you!
I have never heard of this book before. I have seen other people do a book/Bible study over blogs. I hope you can get this started and that you will enjoy it!
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