One of the things we have been studying for awhile but were at a stand still is American Sign Language. We did learn some basic things on our own at home, like the alphabets and words like mom, dad, sister , brother and so on. Recently I found out there is a sign language class not very far from us starting again in January. I signed myself and my oldest son up for it. I became interested in this because we have friends who's son is deaf. I have 5 cousins (all from one family) who are deaf as well. ASL is such a neat thing to learn! I guess a lot of other languages interest me too, but just can't fit it all in, lol. (my memory is getting too full as my son puts it)
I think that sign language would be neat to learn as well. For now I'll just stick to teaching my 19 month old his please and thank you in sign language.
I'd like to encourage you to check out www.signingtime.com We started using it for the Baby Signing Time, but the big kid really got into it and have hearned so much. It really is a blessing to know another language
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