We went to the mall yesterday to buy some winter wear for our kids. On the way we saw witches hanging here and there, skeletons just sitting around, the devil peeking around many corners. We get to the mall, and wouldn't you know it the same thing was going on there. Not to mention the music playing in the background matched the scene around us. As we were in line to pay our things, I had ghost and goblins watching my every move. I began thinking about the situation around me. I thought wouldn't it be beautiful if the display of darkness could be replaced with a display of light. I could picture a display of Jesus holding young children on his lap and telling them stories of heaven. Flowers, birds and sheep in the background. Praise songs for our Lord playing throughout the store.The sad part is that a Jesus scene would be considered offensive for many and you know I think Zellers (the store) would likely receive complaints that they had such a thing in their store.
Well, The images I see at this time of year are offensive to Christ and I avoid them as much as I can. I cannot expect the world to see this or expect them to even care that I feel this way. (I myself use to not give it much thought) As Christians though we can stick together and be a light in this dark world. It is these dark places that are in need of light. It's the children that are deing dressed as the devil himself that need to hear the wonderful stories of Jesus. Light can not take part in the darkness but it can shine the way and help those who are trapped in it and can't see the way.
(We are not missing anything that is good by not taking part in these Halloween events)

Amen! The light always shines brightest in the darkness.
Hi, Nancy. You changed you background on your post. Its nice. I hear ya about the ghosts and goblins. A thought came to my mind as I was reading your blog. You said ghosts and goblins were watching your every move. In the spiritual realm Satan is watching our every move too. Seeking whom he may devour. But the encouraging thing is that our enemy is a defeated enemy. If God is for us , who can be against us?
Yes I agree. Very good to know in these times!
A few days ago I went into a store with my five year old son to pick out a birthday present for his friend. Anyway of course they had halloween stuff everywhere. Cameron told the store clerk that we don't celebrate halloween and therefore they should take down all their halloween stuff. I'm so glad that at the age of five he doesn't feel that he is missing out on anything.
It was so sad for my 2 year old daughter this past Halloween season. We couldn't even go into the store without her being frightened by the decorations.
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