I am greatly encouraged today to keep on serving God. This is not because it is easy or that I am so good at it, but because it is so wonderful to walk with Jesus. I realize that when you give your life to Him and you maybe do things that don't make any sense to the human mind, you will be persecuted. Sometimes people will try to hurt you and even falsely accuse you. That is exactly what happened to Jesus. It is hard when what God has so clearly shown you, you see how much it annoys some. And not because you have said something about it to someone but because of the choices you make in how you live it out. You might even loose close friends and family will try to avoid you. I know this last while, have noticed things in that area I wouldn't have exspected.

Today, I press on and I am so excited about having Jesus as the savior of my sinful self. There are so many areas, I have a lot to learn and need grace and strength everyday.
Jesus said, to let our lights shine before man so that they will see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. There is no light within me unless Jesus lights it. I pray He will brighten the light within me a little brighter each day.

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