

Emily was very small to begin with, but with her feet all curled up she looked even smaller. We were told before she was born that she had clubbed feet and so after she was born it was no surprise and yet it was. She was absolutely precious and I was amazed at everything about her! She seemed so perfect!

She would not have been able to walk like that though, so within the first week both her legs were put in cast from hip to toe. The first days were very painful for her and often when she cried, I cried.
In this next picture, only one leg was put in a cast that time. The other one had swollen up to much from the first cast and it was too painful for her to have a cast on it.
These were also bonding times. She learned to hold my hand from baby on and my fingers became an addiction to her. To this day she plays with my fingers when I hold her.

Things went very well and within a few months her feet looked close to normal. Now people who don't know, wouldn't even notice a difference.(a clear answer to prayer)

Emily loves to sing. She could carry a tune about as early as she said her first words. (She was an early talker) She gets a bit shy when she is with other people though. Her and Jamie are alike in many ways.

She is still a bit small for her age, and she has expressed her concern to me, before that she wants to grow up not down. She tries to eat well because she wants to grow bigger. She is very sweet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's a little cutie! My daughter Miranda is like Emily.... very tiny. People always think she's younger then she is.