He was a perfectly healthy, strong, chubby baby. He was also VERY content. Cried next to never, was so easily satisfied... even through his teething stage , he didn't have any problems. (other then some ear infections, but even through those , he was surprisingly calm.
To this day, it isn't hard to make him smile. It's a smile that takes over and he can't stop it if he tries. Most mornings, his smile is the first thing we see, and he is usually the first one to say good morning to everyone. (It's hard to beat him to it!) Here is some proof of that from another source then his mom. :)
Not only can he make some funny faces, he also has a way with words! Have you ever heard of a chicken munk? Well, we had one in our garage for a long time. (That is what he called chipmunks)
I am grateful that God has allowed him into my life!
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