As you can see, I haven't had much to say lately, or I keep it all to myself :)

The truth is, I don't get much computer time lately and when I do it's only for a few minutes.
So let's see what have I been up to the last while.
On Saturday, we had a homeschool outing with our HS Group. We went to Backus Mill, a herritage centre. There was fun activities for the children and we all learned some new things.
Afterwards we all had a picnic lunch. The weather was perfect for it!
I was very happy with how the day turned out. I have also been having song practice with some of the ladies at our church, to sing as a special number once in a while. I find it so encouraging to just go there and sing with them. Everyone is very relaxed and just completely themselves. I usually feel like singing all the way home too yet!
I think I need to get my memory examined. Someone called me a few days ago and mentioned her driver's licence expired. Well I thought, I should see how long mine are good for yet. I almost fell over when I noticed the expiry date! Ok... Prepare yourself for this.... They expired in June of 2006! (well either you are laughing at me or your mouth is just hanging open) I have been driving this whole time without a valid licence in my wallet! I just didn't get how that happened and really started to think about it... Now I am almost 100% sure that I did renew them a few years ago.... But I guess I never got them in the mail and forgot to wait for them or look into it.... Unless, my memory is now just remembering something that didn't happen!
Going to go find out tomorrow what is going on. (yes, hubby will drive)
The worste part about it all is that if there is nothing showing on record that I did renew them, I may now have to start from scratch! Yep, I would be a beginner once more! (sigh)
Anyway here are a few pictures from our field trip:
In the old school house, doing a craft and learning about maps.

One of the old cottages, and the old store.
Back to school for all of us!
That looks like fun! I just started laughing when I read about your license! My mom did the same thing - I don't think it had been quite that long, though. :)
I love old houses & buildings. Take me on those kind of field trips any day!
I'm laughing about your driver's license problem : ) Yes laughing, because I can relate. This happened to me. Every year around my birthday I get a notice that my license plate sticker will expire and I need to get a new one. Usually my husband remembers, reminds me & I go and get them.
Well anyway a few years ago he went and got his but for some reason we both forgot about mine. fast foward 5 months....I'm driving & get pulled over...for expired plates! I had no idea they were expired! Us moms have alot of things to remember & these little things are easy to forget : )
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