Katie has a way of making us laugh and maybe almost cry sometimes at the same time. She always gets into surprising situations. Example: today while we were doing our school work, she was sitting there playing with her stuffed bunny. (Safely within my view but facing the other way) Suddenly we smelled vicks vaporizer, and wouldn't you know it.... she was rubbing it all over her (sick) bunny:) She looked pretty serious about her bunny's need! Emily began to giggle and couldn't stop when she saw this. We have had many moments like this with her.
Her birthday was February 24th and here is how we spent the day with her:
Her day began with Cherios and a banana. She has quite the appetite!

After letting her have a go at breakfat by herself, it was time for a bath. So she played in the tub for a while and we then moved on to her first real haircut.

This is an outfit we gave her for her birthday. She was pretty happy about getting all dressed up.
Ofcourse, she spent time with her babies as well again.This is a daily thing.