A.J.- Born June 22nd, 1996, passed away June 24th, 1996

I see your picture on the wall,
I wonder how big you'd be , or how tall?
When you would have started to walk?
How good would you be able to talk?
What would your first words be,
Would it be mom, or would it be daddy?
Would you be walking all around?
Would you be noisy or hardly make a sound?
Would you keep me up at night,
or go to bed without a fight?
None of this I will ever know,
can not help but wonder though.
Poem written on what would have been his first birthday by Nancy Wall
You've had such painful losses.....I pray that the Lord will bring you many blessings/much grace today as you remember your son.
You really have a wonderful gift for poetry. Never hesitate to share it.
Nancy , That is so sweet....
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